Signs of change


Welcome to the New Year and already signs of spring are showing. This month has mostly been about  bringing plans to paper for the next three months anyway.

I can’t ignore that It’s also been a difficult month for all of us, this third lockdown seems to of hit really hard, resulting in a sombre mood across the country. There is hope and light which I just about can see. Here in Hastings and I’m sure like many towns and cities the loss of many major large stores has changed the landscape, but it’s heart warming to see people preparing and working again in new smaller independent spaces and shops, getting them ready for when the world re-opens.

My plans for a new local project the self explanatory title of ’12 paintings in 12 months’ which was to start this month has also been put on hold. There is a date in the diary for early march to begin filming with South Coast Squared who are going to document the 12 months. Although nervous I really can’t wait! I’m currently looking for central premises, where I will be visible to the public while I paint, people can then come in to see me, have a chat, see the progress of each painting and if they are up for it be on camera too. When the final 12 paintings are complete, they will all be auctioned off and a percentage of the proceeds will go back into the  South East creative community. I’ll be talking about this more in forthcoming newsletters,  you can subscribe to these on the bottom right of the website.

New to the website are six new 21 x 29.7cm hand-painted patterns in muted colours, I’ve used oil stick in some of the artwork which gives it a great texture. I had a lot of fun working on these, you can view them here.

That’s about it for now, if you have any questions, queries or would like to collaborate in some way, please email Linda at

Until next month keep well.